Contra Dance – Campaign for Reel Time with Karen Olsen calling

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October 12, 2024 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Edison Elementary School
1328 E 22nd Ave
OR 97403
Admission: $12-$20 non-members; $10-$20 for EFS members; $8 students

We no longer require proof of COVID vaccination to attend a contra dance, and masks are optional at the discretion of  individual participants.

Band: Campaign for Reel Time

Campaign for Reel Time is an exciting Northwest band featuring Betsy Branch on fiddle and guitar, Bill Tomczak on clarinet, saxophone and percussion, and Mark Douglas (tonight) on piano. With their mix of instruments and improvisatory natures, plus their deft interweaving of dance-music genres, you never know what to expect from this trio, other than stimulating and inventive dance music. Their delight in playing together translates to the dance floor, and you are likely to hear plenty of laughter from the stage.

Caller: Karen Olsen

Karen Olsen has an encyclopedic knowledge of contra dances and is a good teacher and caller. Very patient and clear. She likes to keep the dancers moving, starting out with simpler dances in the beginners lesson, and progressing to more complex dances. She is also a musician and plays her concertina for dances in Coos Bay. She strives to infuse both her calling and the dancers with her own joyful enthusiasm for contra dance and music.


  • Admission: $12-$20 non-members; $10-$20 for EFS members; $8 students
  • Beginners lesson starts at 7:00pm (experienced dancers welcome). Each dance is taught.
  • Dance starts at 7:30pm. No partner necessary (it’s traditional to dance each dance with a different partner)
  • Calling will use gender-neutral terminology
  • Find out more about attending at the Eugene Contra page.
  • Potluck:  Potlucks are not being planned at this time..
  • Dance held at Edison Elementary School